Go with Tatiana| One-day fun tour to explore the summer of Guizhou 一日打卡!跟着缇娅娜,“黔”往23℃的夏天|全球观焦点

Many people think summer is the most beautiful season because summer is desirable and beloved for them. They are looking forward to a warm summer with herbs, flowers, tender grass, forests, the singing birds... Maybe for someone, summer is the signal of extremely hot air-conditioners. So, as for me, what is summer like in Guiyang?

夏天被许多人认为是最美丽的季节对许多人来说,夏天是极其令人向往和喜爱的。他们期待着夏天的到来,期待着夏天的温暖,香草的茂盛和芬芳,花园里鲜艳的花朵,草地上诱人的温柔,森林的喧闹,鸟儿的鸣叫...... 然而对有些人来说,夏天是闷热、烦闷、防晒霜和室内的空调。我心目中的贵阳夏天是什么样的呢?


Guiyang is a dynamic and cool city renowed as “the capital of summer resort in China”. It also has a nickname called “Cool Guiyang”. In summer, many travelers come to Guiyang to enjoy the coolness of this city.


23 degrees Celsius is the average temperature of Guiyang in summer. You can feel cooler outside than inside when getting out. Guiyang"s wind, food, and hospitality of Guiyang people will make you fall in love with the place immediately.


Now, I will recommend you three must-go places in Guiyang this summer.


The first must-go place is a romantic rose garden with the ancient Greek style - Denggaoyunshan Forest Park. This park is in the northeast of Guiyang City, between Qianling Mountain and Nanyue Mountain Range. You can enjoy the forest with the fragrance of roses in the park. Hydrangeas are also blooming.

第一个必打卡地是一个古希腊风格的玫瑰园 ——登高云山森林公园。公园位于黔灵山脉和南岳山脉之间。除了夏天的玫瑰花,在这里你还可以享受森林树荫的凉爽和公园里花的芬芳。除此之外,绣球花也会在公园里绽放。

Why not grab a cup of iced coffee in summer? So, the second place is the Guiyang Rooftop Cafe. It is the “highest” cafe in Guiyang. This cafe is on the 30th floor of Building 20, Wenchangdi Residence, Nanming District of Guiyang.


You can have a cup of coffee and see the stunning view of Guiyang. Staying in the store to look at the ridgeline and the old city of Guiyang, you will get charmer and cooler. With a cup of coffee in your hand, you can read your favourite book and enjoy the panoramic view of the city. Are there any other places better than this place to spend your summer day?

在这里,你不仅可以喝到一杯你喜欢的咖啡,还能一览贵阳迷人景色。当站在楼顶看着远方的山脊线和近处的贵阳老城,愈发能够体会到贵阳这座城市的迷人与安静。在手里拿一杯咖啡,看着一本喜欢的书,享受城市全景…… 还有比这里更有夏天的感觉吗?

The last place is the Dongshan Temple, which has become Guiyang"s name card. There is a mountain called Qi Xia Ling in east Guiyang with a temple called Dongshan Temple on the top. Dongshan Mountain has become a tourist attraction since the Ming Dynasty.


Everyone on the hill can see incredible sunsets and enjoy the summer evening"s winds. Watching the sun slowly down and the city"s lights turn on is a romance that belongs exclusively to the people of Guiyang.


Come to Guizhou to enjoy the 23℃ summer with me!



外籍主播/Kucherova Tatiana


编辑 赖盈盈

编审 庞博


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